Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Different COUNT function in Excel

COUNT is very important function in excel and it is being used very frequently.There are five COUNT(count,counta,countblank,countif,countifs) functions which is being used in excel.I will explain every function one by one and have also shared a video with full explanation.
Count: This function counts the number of numeric entries in a list. It will ignore blanks, text and errors.
Syntax: =COUNT(Range1,Range2,Range3...................,RangeN)

Counta: This function counts the number of numeric and text entries in a list. It will ignore blanks.
Syntax: =COUNTA(Range1,Range2,Range3...................,RangeN)

Countblank: This function counts the number of blank cells in a range.
Syntax: =COUNTBLANK(Range1,Range2,Range3...................,RangeN)

Countif: This function counts the number of items which match criteria set by the user.
Syntax: =COUNTIF(RangeOfcriteriaToBeCounted , CriteriaToBeMatched)

Countifs: The COUNTIFS function applies criteria to cells across multiple ranges and counts the number of times all criteria are met.
Syntax:=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…)

You can read more about this from the below blog

I am sharing all this in the below video.Kindly watch this and share feedback and don't forget to subscribe and share our channel.

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